Jan 4 2009

Blogging to resume on Monday

Hello folks following my blog…..like 3 people and my Dad I think….. anyhow, I’ve been traveling between Florida, Georgia and now California.  On the road and not much time for posting video links.  Big stuff brewing though that I will happily post about in comig weeks.  Some things at StreetFire, some things at Vidiac, some things with other things.  All cool stuff.  Anyhow, hopefully Ill return to a more regular posting schedule on Monday. Till then, I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2009!  Cheers!


Oct 9 2008

Attention to my readers…both of you….

Just checked my analytics and it looks like I have at least two people checking my blog every day…very impressive, but wow, you must be tapped out if my ramblings are a regular hang out for you…..anyhow. I’m in Atlanta this week celebrating the In-Laws 50th Wedding Anniversary, so I will return to a regular blogging schedule on Tuesday when I’m back in LA. I will try to post a few as I get a chance. That said, thanks for checking my site, please post a comment so I know who you are, otherwise I’ll assume you’re just a search bot hitting my site every day.