Corette Z06 gest blown away by base Corvette
Bolt on LS3 chases down some C6 Z06s!!
Some bolts ons and some skill is all it takes, never forget to upgrade the driver!
IPS Motorsports Fastest Corvette Z06! 9.32@156
IPS Motorsports WORLD RECORD C6 Corvette ET&MPH
The Orange Vette trapped even higher than the Yellow Vette did, amazing times for thse cars, wow!
PHOTOS Smart Cars We would Drive
So the SMART car is pretty much sold out here in the states, but the dirty little secret is this car is OLD NEWS in Europe where is has been out for a decade. It’s time for us to rethink the Smart-Car, so why not rethink how we can make it fun? Here some ideas posted by Blackvoodoo.
VIDEO STS Twin Turbo C6 Z06
I guess today is Corvette day, here is another cool video, a twin turbo C6 Z06.
VIDEO – Ouch, GT-R gets clobbered by Z06
Rolling starts street races are not th forte of the GT-R. Anyone that has one will tell you the car is meant for twisties, not straight line drag racing. This GT-R gets murdered though. I find it funny and telling though, that the last race from a dig was edited out. Hmmmm 😉
2010 Camaro SS and ZR1 playing on the road course
I am relly looking forward to the new Camaro, it’s such a great looking car. Here is a small take of it on the track,
Corvette ZR1 Autobahn shakedown
Fast & Furious Lamborghinis of New York
Fast & Furious, New York’s Wildest part II
Pretty Cool video, awesome sound track. Starts with some Lamborghinis and quickly goes to Porsche Turbos and Corvettes.